Premium wallpapers

For centuries, wallpaper was at the heart of the most sumptuous homes, covering all the walls, telling a story and carrying many symbols. Today, panoramic wallpaper is installed all over or simply covers a wall to highlight joinery, particular architecture or furniture.

High-end, the panoramic wallpaper carefully manufactured in France by Le Grand Siècle stands out for its historical features. Our collections draw on the archives of the largest cultural institutions in our country. It is an entire heritage that we are highlighting by bringing it back to life and showing that French decorative arts still have their place in our contemporary interiors.

Choose your high-end panoramic wallpaper from Le Grand Siècle and enhance your interior with a unique touch of authenticity and history.

French panoramic wallpapers infused with history

All the prowess of Decorative Arts is expressed through our selection of historical panoramic wallpapers. In partnership with museums and cultural institutions, we re-edit wallpapers made during the 18th and 19th centuries by the largest manufacturers. Also, our collections do not include “inspired” decors, they only offer period wallpapers, digitized and restored.

Panoramique luxe noir et blancPanoramique forêtPanoramique feuille d'or grue

To bring this high-end selection to life, we explore museum reserves, library funds, castles, and the homes of writers or historical figures. We uncover real treasures which we then restore digitally: we fill in the gaps, we clean the dirt and pay particular attention to the connections between each strip in order to strictly respect the essence of the works. We place our freedom in the choice of color variations as well as in the degree of restoration of each decor.

Our philosophy of high-end panoramic wallpaper

By exploring the most beautiful motifs of Decorative Arts, we were keen to in turn highlight the wealth of French talent.

If our panoramic wallpapers are high-end, it is because we pay particular attention to our production processes and the quality of the decors that we offer you. Finesse of lines, quality of materials, rendering of papers, the smallest detail is carefully thought out.

We have also chosen responsible production: our panoramic decorations are entirely manufactured in France using an eco-responsible process labeled Imprim’Vert. Our non-woven wallpapers are made of cellulose fibers and are guaranteed VOC (volatile organic compounds) free.

Our partner printer has high standards with each product of our brand, together we work on the colorimetry and grain of all the decorations that we wish to have printed. We almost exclusively produce tailor-made prints that we roll by hand and package in tissue paper.

This choice of artisanal manufacturing concentrated in France is a high-end alternative that perfectly meets the philosophy of our brand: highlighting the know-how of yesterday and today.